Tuesday 20 December 2011

Lembu Melayu or Lembu Cina?

Are you lembu cina or lembu melayu? Any day i will choose to be a lembu melayu. But in your case, what shows is you have chosen to be a lembu cina by exposing all the so called dirt that has been tarnishing the image and business of a company owned by malays, just in case you lupa, you pun orang melayu. So what is your strategies actually Mr. Rafizi? you should be an expert in crafting strategies and it seems that one of your strategies is to bring down a malay company which you beleive is using the LOAN from the government in the wrong way. Instead of fighting for keadilan antara kaun kaum lain, your strategy is to tentang your own kind. What does this say about you as a person? In the cattle business, it is largely dominated by kaum cina and now with the existence of NFC as one of the players, why is it you choose to ridicule? Is it hasad dengki? A ploy for polotical reasons? I cant seem to comprehend your strategy in bringing down a malay muslim company. Is this what you call keadilan?